Thursday, February 21, 2013

TBD Is Hosting Its First Social Mixer

Is Hosting Its First
Social Mixer

It Is Time To Spring Forward!
Saturday @ 8 PM, March 9, 2013

DuPont Registered Voters:
 We are citizens working together for a better community.  Please join us to share your ideas and concerns for our growing city. 

We will be serving beer, wine, and appetizers.  Please bring a snack or dessert item to share with your fellow neighbors.    

 POC:  Laurie Fait  253-441-1421
POC:  Shawna Gasak 253-255-6905
POC:  David Bungert 253-227-6390

Location:  2702 MacArthur Street
DuPont WA 98327

Directions:  From McNeil Street turn South onto Jensen Ave.
 Jensen curves to the left and becomes MacArthur Street.

Please Note: All Take Back DuPont (TBD) meetings are open to all members of the DuPont community. This Social Mixer is only for DuPont registered voters. No City of DuPont employees or DuPont elected officials or their extended family members please. TBD will be planning future mixers for Businesses owners, City of DuPont employees and DuPont elected officials.


We are citizens of DuPont working together to ensure our city maintains its high standards of living, is run in a cost effective manner and to strive to achieve our vision of the DuPont of tomorrow.