Saturday, October 27, 2012

Tom Colegrove Introduces Take Back DuPont at City Council

Many thanks to TBD member Tom Colegrove for introducing the group at DuPont City Council on October 23, 2012.  Video recording is linked, here:

Here's what Tom presented:

For those that couldn't make it to tonight's city council meeting, here's the text of what I presented on the group's behalf:
My name is Tom Colegrove and tonight I represent the group, “Take Back DuPont”, many of our members are here tonight. There are several reasons we felt the need to introduce ourselves to the council, staff and citizens:

· Provide a description of who we are
· Explain what the group’s purpose is
· Give an insight to our future plans
· Dispel the notion that we are ‘Anti-Levy’

The group members are citizens of DuPont working together to ensure our city maintains its high standards of living, is run in a cost effective manner and to strive to achieve our vision of the DuPont of tomorrow. We are not an organization that will request and expect results; we will become part of the solution. We will not sit idly by and complain about things we disagree with; we will engage to bring change. We will work to understand reasons for actions and inactivity and will share our thoughts collectively and as individuals and do so publicly  We will remind the council and city staff of their statutory responsibilities and accountability to all citizens of DuPont.

In the short time since the group formed it has compiled a list of things it plans to bring to fruition. Samplings of that list include:

· Work with city staff to bring about a city communications policy that
· Helps to bring about regular and widely distributed public announcement, news and updates to the citizens and businesses of DuPont
· We encourage regular town hall and neighborhood meetings and published responses to public concerns
· We request that elected officials submit an outline of their comments prior to the council comments session. 

Deviations are to be captured in meeting minutes so the public can be informed when they cannot attend public meetings

· We will work to identify wasteful practices and request they be changed
· Several public service projects have been identified by group members that will be undertaken in the near future, to name just a few:

· Adopt-a-Trail
· Beautification projects
· Voter registration efforts
· Making and installation of bat-houses around retention ponds to combat mosquitos
· Bring about a clearly defined relationship of the city to the ROA
· Which parks are maintained by whom
· Event sponsorships
· Identify and eliminate any duplication of efforts and costs
· A long term plan and vision for the city
· We will work to identify and support candidates for city and council positions so that no incumbent runs for position unopposed

Shortly after the group was formed and took on the name of ‘Take Back DuPont’ several comments have been overheard, and mentioned in Op-Eds, referring to the group as “Take DuPont Backwards”. All of us take offense to those comments. We are an improvement focused group that believes that the city is in the situation it finds itself today because of public ignorance and apathy. While we have opinions on what should and should not take place in our city, we, as a group, agree to disagree about a many things – the Levy Lid Lift among them. As a group we do not endorse nor do we debate either side of the levy discussions currently going on. 

We instead are working to improve our city, our community, our government.
But as is often the case, people are afraid of things they don’t know. Again, we are citizens of our hometown willing to stand up and be heard and to do what we feel is right for our city. But we won’t stop there – we’re willing to put the sweat equity into the city as well. Our goal also includes bringing more citizens into the city’s activities and to educate its citizens. We merely ask that we be given an opportunity to work on our vision of community.

If anyone has questions about the group or is interested in joining your neighbors, I’m available after tonight’s council session adjourns.

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