Wednesday, November 28, 2012

TBD 11-29 Meeting Postponed

Due to so many members being out for other commitments we will reschedule Nov 29 TBD for next Thursday, December 5; same time and location. Thanks.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

TBD Minutes, November 15, 2012


Take Back DuPont
Thursday, November 15, 7:00 PM

In attendance:  Shawna Gasak, Tom Colegrove, Mike Gorski, Maurice Toussant, Roger Westman, Matt Royer, David Bungart, Laurie Fait, Ed Healy,

New Member Introductions:  Maurice Toussant, Hoffman Hill, gave a brief introduction about himself; he moved here in 2004. Was involved with the school board and the parks agency.  Wants to get involved and bring solutions not just talk about issues. 

Discussion Items

            Budget and revenue hearing on November 13, 2012
Mike Gorski provided an overview for TBD members not in attendance.  Overall budget is increasing 11%. Plan and answers were lacking to explain increase. Council overall did not do their due diligence to secure new revenues to keep Safer Grant fire staff.  How much revenue will be really generated from the proposed items in Budget B?  Look at South Puget Sound News for the most recent article on the Budget B.  ( )
Is staff giving council numbers information that passes “the sniff test?” It’s really just garbage in and garbage out that staff is providing on the budget.  What is the real department spending breakdown?  Dialog should shift to what is exactly spent?  Example:  We don’t know what the winter hold for overtime if we get another huge snow storm?  How does he account for this?  Video of the meeting will be posted online by this Saturday. What is the priority for the city for how the money is spent?  An embedded priority lies with the civic center which now takes precedence over public safety.  We’re not a small town anymore.  Unfortunately, staff competence is low; this is an issue that can no longer be ignored.  They need to be the ones who from the crow’s nest yelling, ÏCE BERG! when there is a big issue for the city. This simply is not happening; they continue to rubber stamp requests that should never make it for council approval.
Shawna shared that the entire fire staff attended the meeting on their own.  One has been hired by the city of Federal Way. One of the fireman confirmed through Larry Wilcox that there never has been a plan to secure money for the Safer fire staff.  What is the fire response model that really makes sense for DuPont? Do we want to go on unlock calls when we can’t pay our bills?
What is the solution/action item?  What is our ask to fix this situation?  Go up the microphone..and ask.

TNT Christian Hill contacts us for comment
Tom shared his conversation with Christian Hill with the TNT. Tom about his experiences with the finance committee; levy was a foregone conclusion, the February 22, 2012 email; Larry Wilcox interrupting public comment.  We’re a community based public service to get involved with the running of the city to make sure they are accountable and no position run unopposed again.  It was a thirty minute conversation.  Christian will write another article about what’s going on in DuPont.  Do we want to follow-up to him? 
What is the action item? See next agenda item. 

            TBD designated spokesperson and media contact?  Tom; who is our media contact?  What are these duties and responsibilities?  Now that the press is catching up with us, we need to do a press release.  Do we need to huddle about an out-going message?  Lack of consistency in budget numbers and we are a freight train moving to the fiscal cliff.  We representative the citizens for betterment of the city.  We agree on fundamental issues, but do not have one official position on fiscal matters.
Maurice clarified that we should all be heard and be able to our views within the group; restructuring council so that more ask questions or want to discuss issues.
Action:  Have ongoing discussion with media should continue and our concerns of non-transparency, especially on fiscal issues while still being civil. Lack of listening by council on what the pulse of the citizens.  Council is self-serving.  Ed Healy cautioned about over-sharing with media. We want to talk about one banana at a time, but not the entire fruit salad at once.   Apathy has gotten us where we are today.  No more.  We are leveraging momentum to be the best city based on the resources available.
What is the outcome/action item?  Tom will continue to be spokesperson and media contact. 

            Levy – overwhelming no vote; now what?
            Will the ROA offer to manage parks & green spaces for an additional fee ($16 per month?), Larry Ackerman confirmed this to Laurie Fait that the city has reached out to ROA.  A meeting will occur that also includes COA.  How should we react?  Get a meeting date and try to attend?  Do we really want this to happen?  What is the decision making process and do we want to be a part of this decision?   

What is the action?  We want more accountability … what is the plan?  Laurie will follow-up will up with Larry Ackerman before November 20.

Public service projects update from Tom
 - adopt a trail/street
 - beautification projects
Tom gave an update on his conversation with Peter Zahn on beautification project. He still has no answers to provide but a map should be available soon. Scott Heins will provide an update.  Maurice clarified that the map that Peter Zahn referred to was requested in 2006 and is still not available.  Mike shared this is an example of ineptitude of staff.  David watched Tom’s TBD introduction; he suggests bat houses at all the marshes as a project and offering it as a tourism/group outreach project.  Gorski said we should take on a simple project to get out our name, but where does it take us; what do we get as a group out of the effort?  Matt shared that being able to contribute to the community is what brought him to TBD, to unify the community.  Don’t make TBD just a council watchdog group. Bat houses would provide a natural solution instead of using chemicals in retention ponds. 

Work with the city on:
 - Parking plan (for emergency vehicle access) Maurice shared information on a previous study; easily fixed if enforced the city.  Tabled to ongoing business.
Blogger – Tag Line vs Mission Statement listed at top?  Feedback at next meeting. 
Business Card Distribution –handed out.
Four candidates for November 2013
Recruiting New Members
New Agenda Items

Current mission statement is it compatible for a slate of candidates?  Once they’re elected then we turn on them?  No position running unopposed.  Here are the resources if you want to run for council.

Once and for all:  the group name

Council workshop on November 20…we should craft budget questions ahead of time. 

Next TBD:  November 29, 7pm, Shawna’s home. 

Times will be listed on future agendas from how on; round table will be added to each agenda with a time limit.  We will adhere to these agenda constraints as best we can. 

Ongoing Business:
1.      TBD cards arrived and distributed to all members.  Please pass along to potential members and anyone interested in what TBD stands for.
2.      Tom was appointed spokesperson/mythbuster. We are here to hold city and staff accountable for their actions, their votes, their expenditures, inactions etc.  Council Members answer to the citizens and they need to listen and respect our input. No council position will run unopposed again.
3.      Finance reform?  Extraction tax for revenue option?
4.      Development in DuPont warehouses vs. retail
5.      B&O square footage tax
6.      TBD working on Comp Plan update
7.      Project Status List
8.      Will Council approve large truck traffic on Center Drive?
9.      Take position on the communication tower? EMF, etc. and other non-issues like non-ionizing radiation –formally comment as a group on this issue?  Press release?
10.  Financial Expenditures to be determined/pending 501C3 filing.
11.  Parking plan (for emergency vehicle access) Maurice shared information on a previous study; easily fixed if enforced the city.  Tabled to ongoing business. 11-15-12

Respectfully submitted,
Laurie Fait 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

ROA, COA and city to discuss park and green-way maintenance

Just off the phone with Larry Ackerman of NW Landing ROA.  The city has reached out to ROA to discuss park and green-way maintenance soon-to-be impacted by budget cuts. Larry confirm that the COA (includes large businesses like Intel, State Farm) will also be included in the meeting.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

TBD DRAFT Agenda for November 15, 2012

TBD DRAFT Agenda for November 15, 2012 is posted here:

Additions and/or corrections please contact Laurie Fait

DuPont Project Status List 11-13-2012

Sharing the latest information update from the Development Department, posted here:

If there is interest, this can be posted as a static page. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

TBD Minutes, Nov 1 2012

Take Back DuPont
Thursday, November 1, 7:00 PM
Location:  2228 Anderson Avenue, DuPont

In attendance:  Tom Colegrove, Don Dresser, Roger Westman, Matt Royer, Laurie Fait, Ed Healy, David Bungert

New Member Introductions:  Matt introduced himself and shared what brought him to join the group. 

Discussion Items

            Tom Colegrove’s presentation to City Council
            Council Workshop – Oct 30, Roger walks out
Public service projects
 - Adopt a trail/street or Powderworks Park
What is the commitment needed? How many citizens would be needed? Tom will coordinate. 
 - Beautification projects – coordinate with city staff?
Working with the city on:
 - Parking plan (for emergency vehicle access) – should we attempt to address this?
Business Card Distribution – how are we doing?  The printing account is under Tom’s name.  Additional cards will less?  Let’s wait until a possible name change.
Recruiting New Members – how about a post-election event to bring the community together? 
Old news – discussion on picketing
New news—
Put Toms ideas (for the group) presented to council into a tri-fold hand-out? 
David offered videography of campaigning for the future fantastic four (council members we’re recruiting); he also offered his video library, too.
Posts will be primarily made from the blogspot then posted to Facebook.

Ongoing Business:
1.      TBD cards arrived and distributed to all members.  Please pass along to potential members and anyone interested in what TBD stands for.
2.      Why do we get branded as the NO campaign? TBD will define their own framework.
3.      Tom was appointed spokesperson/mythbuster. We are here to hold city and staff accountable for their actions, their votes, their expenditures, inactions etc.  Council Members answer to the citizens and they need to listen and respect our input. No council position will run unopposed again.
4.      Council behavior in the levy—we are choosing not to address this.
5.      Finance reform?  Extraction tax for revenue option?
6.      Development in DuPont warehouses vs. retail
7.      Will Council approve large truck traffic on Center Drive?
8.      TBD will be included and at the table during the comp plan update
9.      Take position on the communication tower? EMF, etc. and other non-issues like non-ionizing radiation –formally comment as a group on this issue?  Press release?
10.  Financial Expenditures to be determined/pending 501C3 filing.
11.  Attendance at all Neighborhood Meetings will be covered by TBD members.

TBD Group Meeting, Nov 15, 2012, 7pm

The next TakeBackDuPont group meeitng is November 15, 7pm at Shawna Gasak's home.  Here's a link to the FaceBook Group Event: